Friday, October 24, 2014

Flannel Friday Roundup

Welcome to Flannel Friday!

We have a couple of stellar submissions today for your reading pleasure:

First off, Anne at So Tomorrow has a Five Superheroes flannel that can scale tall buildings in a single bound! Check it out here!

Next, Kathryn at Fun with Friends at Storytime, has a fun activity that involves forest animals and tents and fine motor skills so it's bound to be amazing. Here it is!

Finally, I have a Montessori-inspired idea for toddler storytime right over here

If you want to learn more about Flannel Friday, here are some helpful links:
And follow along on Twitter with the hashtag #flannelstorytime

1 comment:

  1. Is it too late for a #Flannel Friday submission? If not here's Fall Is Pretty Scary!
